Youth care

Youth care

29 young people in Tashkent
63 young people in Samarkand

The key principle of the SOS Children's Villages Uzbekistan is to provide consistent and continuous support to children and young people left without parental care. Before leaving school, children live and are brought up in SOS families, after which they can move to the Youth Care provided by SOS Children’s Villages Uzbekistan.

Youth Care is part of the SOS Children's Village Uzbekistan programs and is aimed at providing continuous services to accompany young people who have left alternative care or from families in difficult situations, including children from institutional care, according to the 3 main stages:

a) from 16 years old (or upon completion of secondary education) to 18 years old (direct care), when young people can live at the Youth Care and, with the help of the specialists, develop necessary skills for independent living.
b) from 18 to 22 years of age (accompanying young people during a semi-independent residence), when young people move for permanent residence in their own or municipal living place or rent housing, receiving partial financial support from the SOS Children's Village.
c) after 22 years (support in the first year of independent life and further according to individual needs) - support with the aim of tracking the future path of beneficiaries and providing them with psychological and pedagogical support in crisis situations. In exceptional (crisis) cases, financial support is provided; each case is considered individually.

The main criteria for young people to leave all stages of Youth Care are:

• Availability of a profession.
• Availability of work and regular income.
• Availability of housing.
• Possession of social skills.
• Possession of life skills.
• Emotional stability.

Our achievements for 2009-2016

• 60 youths in Tashkent and Samarkand receive diverse support and assistance in preparing for independent adult life in Youth Care.
• Out of all youth who left care, 6 young people received higher education, 65 received secondary education, and 30 young people were employed.
• 25 young people who have left care have created their own families.
• 20 young people who left SOS Children's Villages Uzbekistan are university students.