Urgench and Shavat (Khorezm region)

Since 2012, the SOS Children's Village in the Khorezm region began its activities.

Currently, 37 children live in 6 families living in separate apartments and houses. From the Khokimiyat of the Khorezm region, 200 million soums were allocated for the purchase and repair of two apartments in Urgench for family houses for SOS families and 90 million soums for repairs in family houses.

The Khokimiyat of the Khorezm region provided two administrative buildings for social centers, which provide versatile services to 210 children from 86 families in the city of Urgench and Shavatsky district.

In total, 37 employees are involved in the implementation of this program, including SOS mothers, family assistants, social workers, psychological, pedagogical, and administrative and technical personnel.